Safety & Inclusion


We’re here to help LGBTQ people who have experienced prejudice related violence and harassment by providing a range of support services and resources.

With support from the City of Sydney, ACON is running two in-person sessions of our LGBTQ+ Safety workshops in August:

LGBTQ+ Safety Workshop – Community workers | Thursday 8 August, 10am-3:30pm
Open to community workers who live, work or visit the City of Sydney, and who are interested in learning more about safety when organising LGBTQ+ events.

LGBTQ+ Safety Workshops – LGBTQ+ Community Members | Saturday 10 August, 10am – 3:30pm
Open to LGBTQ+ community members and community leaders 18+ who live, work, or visit the City of Sydney and are interested in learning more about safety when organising LGBTQ+ events.

The goal of these workshops will be to bring people together to connect and discuss LGBTQ+ safety and share resources for promoting safety and responding to hate. Both workshops will be held at Town Hall House.

Please register for a workshop here.

Each workshop is limited to 25 people so please register ASAP to not miss out.

Report An Incident

policeIf it’s an emergency always call Triple Zero (000). If it’s not urgent, call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444. You can also make an anonymous call without giving your name by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Domestic Violence Liaison officers (DVLOs) have special training in working with people who are experiencing domestic and family violence. Most police stations have a DVLO. For more information click here.

Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers (GLLOs) are specially trained to address LGBTI issues. For more information on GLLOs, click here.

If you’re not happy with the service you have received from the police, the NSW Police Force has an internal complaints process. For more information please visit the NSW Police website.

We can help you report an incident to police. For more information, please contact your nearest ACON office.


Fair Play


Fair Play is a community initiative to help partygoers understand their legal rights and how to keep safe during the Mardi Gras Festival. It’s a partnership project by the Inner City Legal Centre, Mardi Gras and ACON to provide accurate legal resources and education to sexuality and gender diverse communities.

Fair Play is committed to respecting human rights through the principles of harm reduction and is interested in your safety, along with providing you with as much information as possible.

The Fair Players are a team of specially trained volunteers who are on site at key Mardi Gras events to share legal and safety information, monitor the operations of police and provide support to people who have been searched or questioned by police.

For more information about Fair Play, please visit

To sign up and volunteer as a Fair Player, you can visit

LGBTQ+ Counselling and Support


We provide low-cost confidential short-term counselling (up to 12 sessions) for sexuality and gender diverse people aged 18 years or older seeking support for their mental health and wellbeing.  

Fully qualified volunteer counsellors in Sydney use a solution focused model and a range of other therapeutic approaches to support people to manage life’s challenges. We also provide a limited number of places with our employed counsellors in the regional offices. 

This service is a low-cost option prioritised for people seeking counselling support who are not eligible for Medicare or have limited resources to access private options. Fees for this service are negotiated according to individual circumstances. 

LGBTQ+ counselling is available via telehealth or in person (in Surry Hills) on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. For appointment options in regional NSW please contact the relevant office.  

This service is not suitable for: 

  • People who use violence 
  • People with unmanaged mental illness 
  • People concerned about their substance use 

For more information or to undertake a brief intake assessment, please complete the Online Intake Form or contact your nearest ACON office. 

This service is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health and income generated through fees. 

Legal Advice

clcCommunity Legal Centres (CLC) provide free legal advice, referrals and some representation to people who live and work in their area.

Community Legal Centres NSW: (02) 9212 7333


Inner City Legal Centre (ICLC) provides a state-wide specialist free legal advice service for anyone who identifies as LGBTIQ throughout NSW.

(02) 9332 1966

Historical Violence Project

NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Gay and Transgender Hates Crimes Between 1970 and 2010


In a dark period of New South Wales’ history between 1975 and 2000, it is estimated that 84 gay men and 4 transgender women were killed by acts of anti-gay and anti-transgender violence. In some cases, these deaths were attributed to improbable “accidents” and unlikely “suicides”. More than 20 cases remain unsolved leaving families and loved ones without answers, closure or justice.

Hundreds more survived these violent attacks. Many of these incidents were brutal, including stabbings, strangulation, bludgeoning, shooting, sexual assaults and frenzied attacks. As well as anti-LGBT bias, many of these crimes were fuelled by HIV stigma.

Since 2015, ACON has been working with a range of community partners on a range of responses to address the grief and trauma brought on by these events, that is still being felt by many in our communities. In the search for justice and healing, ACON reviewed a list of 88 gay and transgender hate killings, and key findings from this review was released in the report In Pursuit of Truth and Justice Report, published in May 2018.

The NSW Parliament acted on these findings by initiating a formal Inquiry in September 2018 to better understand the extent and impact of violence, whether LGBT people in New South Wales were effectively protected and justice delivered, and whether the current response to hate crimes is adequate. The first round of submissions were collected between September and October 2018 and three hearings were held in November.

The NSW Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues released its Interim Report in February 2019. Read the Interim Report from the first phase of the Inquiry here.


Inquiry Reopened: October 2019

In October 2019, the NSW Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues re-opened the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into LGBT violent hate crimes, in an effort to hear from more submissions from people in our communities.


Final Report: May 2021

The second and final report includes a range of findings and recommendations that aims to foster healing and deliver justice for loved ones of victims and survivors of these historical crimes.

In its findings, the report stated the NSW Police Force failed in its responsibility to properly investigate historical hate crimes. It also found that victims carry enduring physical, mental and emotional trauma as a result of their experiences, and that acknowledging past wrongs by those who failed to protect and deliver justice is a necessary step towards healing.

As well as the establishment of a judicial inquiry into unsolved cases of suspected gay and transgender hate crime deaths, the report also recommended:

• The NSW Government provides a comprehensive update on the implementation of the recommendations in NSW Police Strike Force Parrabell
• The NSW Government ensures that adequate victim support services are made available to those impacted historical gay and transgender hate crimes
• The NSW Government provide further funding to ensure the completion of the Bondi Memorial in Marks Park in Bondi, in honour of the victims and survivors of LGBTIQ hate crime
• The NSW Police Force ensure that its computerised operational policing system adequately captures LGBTIQ hate crimes

Read the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Gay and Trans Hate Crimes Final Report here.


Government response: November 2021

In November 2021, the NSW Government announced that it will establish an inquiry into unsolved gay and transgender hate crimes.

The establishment of a judicial inquiry or other form of expert review is among the five recommendations of the final report in the Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues ‘Inquiry into Gay and Transgender Hate Crimes Between 1970 and 2010’. That inquiry began in 2018 and the report was tabled in May this year.
The NSW Government also announced that it supports all other findings and recommendations outlined in the Legislative Council’s Standing Committee on Social Issues’ report, including the ruling that the NSW Police Force failed in its responsibility to properly investigate historical hate crimes. It also found that victims carry enduring physical, mental and emotional trauma as a result of their experiences, and that acknowledging past wrongs by those who failed to protect and deliver justice is a necessary step towards healing.

As well as the establishment of a judicial inquiry into unsolved cases of suspected gay and transgender hate crime deaths, the report also recommended:

• The NSW Government provides a comprehensive update on the implementation of the recommendations in NSW Police Strike Force Parrabell
• The NSW Government ensures that adequate victim support services are made available to those impacted historical gay and transgender hate crimes
• The NSW Government provide further funding toward the Bondi Memorial in Marks Park in Bondi, in honour of the victims and survivors of LGBTIQ hate crime
• The NSW Police Force ensure that its computerised operational policing system adequately captures LGBTIQ hate crimes

Read about ACON’s response to the NSW Government’s announcement of a judicial inquiry into gay and transgender hate crimes here.

Bondi Memorial Project

The Bondi Memorial – a public artwork dedicated to victims and survivors of LGBTQ hate and violence – wasv installed at Marks Park in Tamarama in October 2021. ACON has been working with Waverley Council since 2015 to establish a permanent memorial site in Marks Park to honour those targeted in homophobic and transphobic attacks in Sydney from the 1970s to the 1990s.

The artwork is entitled ‘Rise’ and has been designed by John Nicholson of United Art Projects (UAP).

About the memorial

The Bondi Memorial: Rise is dedicated to all the victims and survivors targeted during a spate of homophobic and transphobic violence from the 1970s to the 1990s in Sydney and NSW. We commemorate those whose lives were lost and pay tribute to the courage and resilience of those who survived, as well as their families and loved ones.

This dark chapter in Sydney’s history has left a painful legacy for LGBTQ communities. With this memorial, we hope to help heal the grief and trauma that continues to be felt today. And with many cases still unsolved, this memorial also serves to raise greater community awareness of the issue of LGBTQ hate crimes, promote the continuing need to pursue the truth and justice, and serve as a reminder of the importance of valuing and celebrating diversity in our community.

Find out more at

Read the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ Hate Crimes here

Safe and Strong: An LGBTQ+ Guide to Facebook and Instagram

Safe and Strong: An LGBTQ+ Guide to Facebook and Instagram is a resource produced by Meta in partnership with ACON, Minus18, Black Rainbow, Trans Pride Australia and Twenty10.

The resource, released during the 2022 Sydney Mardi Gras season, features handy tips and practical measures on managing safety and exercising self-care while using Facebook and Instagram.

View and download Safe and Strong Guide as a PDF

ACON Guides to Hosting LGBTQ+ Events Safely

A guide to hosting LGBTQ+ events safely

In a time where we are seeing escalating disinformation, lobbying, stigma and violence directed at LGBTQ+ people, especially trans people, drag artists and creatives, and those who are gender expansive, it’s more important than ever that our communities stand united in supporting one another through our events.

We’ve developed a guide mainly for LGBTQ+ community groups who are interested in holding events for our communities safely.

Download the guide here


A guide to hosting LGBTQ+ events safely for Local Councils in NSW

Government bodies like local councils should be able to confidently support their LGBTQ+ residents and families, and offer safe, fun, and engaging opportunities for LGBTQ+ people, our families and allies to gather.

When LGBTQ+ voices are uplifted and heard, and LGBTQ+ people can live freely as themselves in their local community, we are building safer, stronger, and healthier environments for all.

Hosting LGBTQ+ events sends an important and visible message of inclusion and affirmation to your LGBTQ+ locals and the broader community. These events improve local community participation and connection, reduce social isolation, improve mental health, and enhance wellbeing among LGBTQ+ communities. In the face of negative attention and pressure from hate groups and anti-LGBTQ+ lobbyists, these events are more important than ever.

We have developed this guide to offer tips and advice to help support local councils in your important work to affirm and celebrate LGBTQ+ communities in your local area.

 Download the guide here

Safety Resources

Safety messages for people attending protests

Protesting for our rights and in solidarity with one another is a huge part of our history as LGBTQ+ people, united as a human rights movement.

In a time when we are seeing escalating disinformation, stigma and violence directed at trans and gender diverse people, many of us will be attending protests and speaking out. At protests, it’s important to think about how you will stay safe. We have developed some tips for safety:

View the tips here


Personal safety tips for LGBTQ+ community members

In a time where we are seeing escalating disinformation, lobbying, stigma and violence directed at LGBTQ+ people, especially trans people, drag artists and creatives, and those who are gender expansive, it’s more important than ever that our communities stand united in supporting one another through our events. ACON has developed a small guide with some tips that LGBTQ+ community members can use to keep safe when attending events and social gatherings.

You can access the guide here


Beatsafe resource

The word beat is often used to describe certain places where guys go to meet other guys, cruise and sometimes hook-up. However, sometimes beats are known to homophobic people and become a target for violence. In order to help protect people in our communities who visit beats, we’ve developed the following guide:

You can read the guide here


Responding to Hate

In recent history, we’ve been witnessing a spike in hate crimes, hate incidents and violence aimed at LGBTQ+ communities. This leaflet gives a helpful overview of hate and bystander interventions for community members and allies alike.



We’re here to help make the places where our community members  live, work, study and play more inclusive of LGBTQ people and people with HIV.

Through our support services, training programs and strategic partnerships, we work with a range of organisations and agencies to help ensure that LGBTQ people and people with HIV feel included and supported.

Diversity Day Grants 2024/2025

NSW is home to thriving and diverse LGBTQ+ communities. We are the sum of resilient First Nations communities, diverse cultural and religious communities, and people of all ages and abilities. We are stronger as a community when we embrace and celebrate our own diversity.

LGBTQ+ groups and individuals are invited to apply for a small grant of up to $1,000 to host local LGBTQ+ inclusive activities to celebrate Diversity Days that increase awareness and celebration of LGBTQ+ diversity in priority settings in NSW.

Applications close 17th Jun 2024.

Events must be held between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025. For more information see our guidelines here or contact Adrian Mouhajer at

Click here to complete the Grant Application

‘We’re Family Too’ Report

We’re Family Too (2012) is a ground-breaking report that documents the effects of homophobia on same-sex attracted (SSA) people from Arabic-speaking backgrounds in NSW, while also drawing attention to racism and stereotyping within NSW’s LGBT community.

The report also examines how SSA people from Arabic-speaking backgrounds in NSW provide support for each other, and it notes a range of initiatives that can address the effects of homophobia and racism in our communities.

We thank all the respondents and contributors for participating in this valuable and pioneering research.

We are working to update the report and second edition will be released soon.


‘We’re Family Too’ Report in the Media



Below are links to agencies and organisations that can provide information and support for SSA people from Arabic-speaking backgrounds and their families:

Sydney Queer Muslims

Arab Council of Australia

The Gender Centre


Inner City Legal Service

Welcome Here Project

ACON’s popular Safe Place Project was reviewed in 2017 and updated in 2018 to the Welcome Here Project.

The Safe Place Project started in 1992 in response to high levels of street based violence directed at Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) people. Local businesses signed up to become a ‘Safe Pace’ by putting a sticker in their shop front to let LGBTIQ community members know they could seek refuge if they were under the threat of violence.

In light of the changing trends in LGBTIQ violence the focus of the project has been shifted from ‘safety’ to creating ‘welcoming’ and inclusive places.

To find out more and apply click here.


Welcome Here Online Map

Find a Welcome Here near you:

LGBTIQ Diversity Days

ACON proudly celebrates and supports sexuality and gender diversity.

The LGBTIQ Diversity Days Project is all about celebrating and honouring LGBTIQ days of significance and we invite you to join the party!

The goal is to get as many people as possible taking action on each of the ‘Diversity Days’ and increasing visibility of LGBTIQ diversity.

Celebrating diversity contributes to the creation of inclusive and safe communities.

Please click here to find out about the Project, how you can join in, and to download free promotional resources.


Sign Up

Want to get a reminder of upcoming Diversity Days? Sign up here.

Workplace Inclusion


Pride in Diversity is Australia’s first and only not-for-profit workplace program designed specifically to assist Australian employers with the inclusion of LGBTQ employees.

As a member-based program, Pride in Diversity works closely with HR, diversity professionals and LGBTQ Network Leaders in all aspects of LGBTQ inclusion within all sectors of the Australian workforce.

No matter your starting point, we work with your team to understand the importance of LGBTQ inclusion and to map out a strategy that will enable you to successfully work towards best practice.


Australian Workplace Equality Index


The Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) is the definitive national benchmark on LGBTQ workplace inclusion and comprises the largest and only national employee survey designed to gauge the overall impact of inclusion initiatives on organisational culture as well as identifying and non-identifying employees.

The Index drives best practice in Australia and sets a comparative benchmark for Australian employers across all sectors.

The AWEI is a free offering and organisations do not need to be a member of Pride in Diversity to participate.

For more information click here to visit the Pride in Diversity website, or


Pride In Practice Conference


Pride In Practice is the only national conference dedicated to LGBTQ workplace inclusion. Run over three days, it incorporates various streams of LGBTQ workplace awareness and inclusivity.

Hear from industry experts on best practice and gain insight into the award winning initiatives of the Top 20 Employers and network with industry peers.

For more information click here to visit the Pride in Diversity website, or

More info:

Tel: (02) 9206 2136
Fax: (02) 9206 2002

Health and Wellbeing Service Inclusion

Pride in Health + Wellbeing is a national membership program that provides year-round support in the provision of LGBTQ inclusive services for those working within the health and wellbeing sector. Consider us your partners, your subject-matter experts that you can call on, build a relationship with and rely on for expert advice, training and help.

Sporting Organisations

Pride in Sport is the only sporting inclusion program specifically designed to assist National and State sporting organisations and clubs with the inclusion of LGBTQ employees, players, coaches, volunteers and spectators. The world-first Pride in Sport Index (PSI) benchmarks and assesses the inclusion of LGBTQ people across all sporting contexts.

We’re also a key supporter of the Anti-Homophobia Framework for Australian Sporting Codes.

Pride Training

Pride Training provides learning and development programs to assist health and community organisations increase their knowledge of LGBTIQ people, communities and health issues. Our learning and development offerings use a variety of activities, media and training resources to engage with participants. Specialising in co-design with community members we aim to address the unique needs of our communities with lived experiences.