Is NDIS right for you

What is the NDIS, and is it right for me?

“Navigating the system is so tiring but it is worth it. I know it seems really intimidating but it’s not something you have to do by yourself. The best way for me to understand the NDIS was to talk to other people who’d been through it. Through accessing the bureaucratic scheme, I’ve managed to fill out my life in ways I never thought I’d get to have. I’m happier now than I think I ever have been. For the first time I feel excited about where I’m going and what I have yet to do.” – Robin (they/them), is a multiply disabled wheelchair user

Should I apply for the NDIS?

  • Only you can decide if the NDIS is right for you.
  • You might want to discuss it with friends, partners, family, your loved ones and any professional services you use such as your GP, occupational therapist etc.

“Anyone who’s thinking about the NDIS, if you’re not sure if you qualify or fit the criteria, just call them, they’re very willing to help. There’s also lots of resources online” – Anthony (they/them), lives with Tourette’s