
Bali is a holiday paradise for many Australians.

However for gay men in Bali, the threat of HIV is a major issue, with 1 in 3 living with the virus.

Sadly, for many this can mean rejection and isolation from their family and community, leading to a range of health issues and financial problems.

Bali Peduli (Bali Care) is a local not-for-profit organisation that makes a huge difference in the lives of thousands of people.

The organisation operates two clinics and a range of free programs that support people affected by HIV and that help prevent HIV transmission among locals and visitors, including gay men.

Bali Peduli needs to raise $150,000 to continue its vital support and services.

While the organisation has secured grants for its work with women and children, it desperately needs funding to continue its work with gay men.

Without the funding, it will need to reduce or close down its operations.

Please help us reduce the impact of HIV on gay men in Bali.

Several of Australia’s leading HIV organisations have joined forces to help Bali Peduli raise money here in Australia.

You can join in and help our neighbours in Bali by making a tax deductible donation.

Your support will make a huge difference in the lives of thousands of vulnerable people.


For more information about Bali Peduli and to make a donation, visit


David Alexander, ACON Media and Communications Officer
E: T: +61 (02) 9206 2044 M: +61 (0)428 477 042

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