
2 April 2015

ACON has released a short video to highlight new evidence in the fight to end HIV by 2020.

As part of the ENDING HIV Communication Platform, the [TREAT EARLY] Campaign was launched by the NSW Health Minister, Jillian Skinner MP in February. Developed with clinicians, researchers and community representatives, the campaign promotes the individual health benefits of HIV medications, but also highlights that treatment can reduce a HIV positive guy’s viral load to an undetectable level, almost eliminating HIV transmission risk.

The Campaign’s Video follows the emergence of more evidence at the leading annual scientific meeting on HIV, the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) held in Seattle USA in March. The aim of the video is to speak to the evidence and let our community of gay and other men who have sex with men know about the dramatic new results showing that we can virtually eliminate HIV transmission risk through treatment.

Highlighting the importance of this initiative, Karen Price, ACON’s Director of HIV and Sexual Health said:

“ACON’s communities are at the highest risk of HIV of any population in NSW, with about 75% to 80% of new infections each year arising from sex between men.

“The evidence that effective adherence to, and early uptake of, HIV treatment leads to a supressed viral load, making HIV transmission extremely unlikely. It is a game-changer for us, because along with testing more, sustained use of condoms in the majority of sexual encounters, and the exciting new possibilities offered by Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), we absolutely can realise the vision of ending HIV.”

ACON held a community forum last night to highlight the new evidence for treating HIV early, and the video was launched to the community at this event. More community forums will be held in regional centres across NSW over the next six weeks.

“We know that both HIV positive and negative men are very keen to learn more about HIV treatment and its role in prevention. As the evidence continues to build it is important that we reach our community with simple but accurate information that helps men make informed decisions, in the interests of their own health, but also for their sexual partners” Ms Price said.

“As part of efforts to remove barriers to treatment, ACON also welcomed a recent commitment by the NSW Government to remove the co-payment for s100 drugs such as HIV medications, and also the recent decision from the Federal Government to include Triumeq® on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme”.

“More affordable treatment is more accessible treatment, and access is critical if we are to end HIV” Ms Price said.

Media Enquiries:

Media Enquiries:
Andrew Hamadanian, ACON Media and Communication Officer
E:   T: (02) 9206 2044  M: 0419 555 768

The video can also be accessed via YouTube: or via the ENDING HIV Facebook page: In addition, a billboard on Crown Street will be used to run the Undetectable campaign over the month of April, complemented with other outdoor advertising on bus shelters from 14 April.


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