
Honour15-logo (3)

Is there an LGBTI*community member you admire, or a person or organisation you know that has helped the LGBTI community and deserves to be recognised for their efforts? Then we’re inviting you to shine a light on your community hero at the 2015 Honour Awards.

The Honour Awards is an annual gala fundraising event for LGBTI community initiatives supported by leading LGBTI community charity the Aurora Group, and by ACON. Other community partners include Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, Sydney Gay & Lesbian Business Association, SX and OX Live.

Nominations can be submitted in eight categories covering the business, health, education, community, legal, political, media and cultural sectors. Nominations are free and can be submitted on the Honour Awards website ( Winners receive a range of gifts, and all 28 finalists – as well as the people** who nominate them – receive a free ticket to the gala event.

Aurora Chair Alison King says the Honour Awards provides a valuable opportunity to pay tribute to people and organisations that are making a difference in the lives of LGBTI people in NSW. “The Honour Awards are all about celebrating how people from all walks of life are helping or inspiring others in our community,” Ms King says. “So we’re inviting community members to nominate people or organisations they feel have provided leadership or achieved outstanding success within the LGBTI community or have provided excellent service or made a significant contribution to the LGBTI community.”

ACON President Mark Orr says the Honour Awards are about recognising and celebrating all kinds of achievements and contributions. “Every day, people and organisations from right across our community are helping others in all kinds of ways, and the Honour Awards is about acknowledging all kinds of community service, whether big or small.

“As a community, it’s important that we celebrate our unsung heroes as well as our more high profile achievers, so we’re keen to hear about people and organisations that have made a difference in the lives of only a few people as well those whose contributions are more wide-ranging. They can be people or organisations who directly help others, whose work is improving the wellbeing of our community, or whose achievements are inspiring people in our community.”

This year’s awards will be presented at a gala ceremony and cocktail party at The Ivy Ballroom in Sydney on Wednesday 30 September. Four finalists from each category will join a host of government, media, entertainment and community personalities for a fabulous night of celebration. Guests will also be able to bid on $100,000 worth of amazing silent auction items including luxury holidays; jewellery; art; furniture; home wares; and 5-star dining, accommodation and entertainment packages.

WHAT:  2015 Honour Awards
Ivy Ballroom, 330 George St, Sydney
Wednesday 30 September 2015, 6:30pm – 11pm
$85 per person (inc. quality wines and beers, delicious canapés & entertainment)

*LGBTI = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex | **only the first person to nominate a finalist gets a free ticket

Community Partners: Aurora Group | Sydney Gay and Lesbian Business Association | Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras | SX Magazine | OX Live

Event Partners: Merivale/Ivy | GLYDE Health

Andrew Hamadanian, ACON Media & Communications Officer
E: |  T: (02) 9206 2044  |  M: 0419 555 768

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