
A variety of role models, allies and organisations dedicated to LGBTQ inclusion within the Australian health and wellbeing sectors have been recognised for their efforts in advancing LGBTQ inclusion at the Australian Pride in Health + Wellbeing Awards held yesterday.

Running for the second year, the awards event is a celebration dedicated to recognising exceptional efforts in improving LGBTQ inclusion within health and wellbeing organisations across the country. It is produced by Pride in Health + Wellbeing, the national not-for-profit inclusion program for the health, wellbeing, human services, and community care sectors led by Australia’s largest LGBTQ health organisation, ACON.

Leading the list of winners, Uniting Vic.Tas were awarded Service Provider of the Year, along with JewishCare NSW and St Vincent’s Health Network, Sydney who were joint recipients for the Most Improved Service Providers Award. Charles Broadfoot from Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network and Rebecca Roberts from St Vincent’s Health Network, Sydney received the LGBTQ Out Role Model Award and LGBTQ+ Ally Award respectively, for their significant contribution to and advocacy for LGBTQ inclusion for staff and for service users.

Swapna Chaudhary from Chemist Warehouse was celebrated for her impressive innovation efforts in developing training to address knowledge gaps about trans healthcare for pharmacists Australia-wide, receiving the LGBTQ Inclusive Innovation Award.

The Awards showcase the results of the Pride in Health + Wellbeing Index – a free national benchmarking instrument used to assess LGBTQ inclusion within the Australian health, wellbeing and human services sector.

Award attendees were addressed by leading sector figures, including a keynote address from Professor Jane Ussher, as well as the Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQ Communities Todd Fernando, Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care Ged Kearney MP, and ACON CEO Nicolas Parkhill AM.

The awards ceremony was emceed by celebrated journalist Julie McCrossin AM, who was joined by Pride in Health + Wellbeing co-patrons, leading doctor and LGBTQ+ health advocate Dr Keryn Phelps AM and former Telstra Group Executive and former CEO of SBS, Michael Ebeid AM.

Claire Allen, National Program Manager of Pride in Health + Wellbeing, said: “The Pride in Health + Wellbeing Index has continued to reflect a tangible shift in practice towards greater LGBTQ inclusion across  workforces and service delivery. With a wide and an increasingly diverse range of organisations participating in the Index, we are seeing real progress in the provision of safer and more inclusive environments and experiences for sexuality and gender diverse people when they access health and wellbeing services, across Australia.

“Gender and sexuality diverse people continue to face a number of shared and distinct health and social inclusion barriers when trying to access services. These issues lead to poor retention in care or lower access to quality care – leading to poorer health outcomes for many people. The good news is that we are seeing providers and governments demonstrating that they are taking action to address these barriers to accessing help and support.

“I would like to congratulate these health, wellbeing and human services organisations for working towards overcoming these serious issues, and the many individuals on the efforts they are making to ensure LGBTQ+ communities feel welcomed, receive high quality service and are supported in their organisations.

“Through these Awards, we are providing important acknowledgement and celebrating the many achievements that are being made towards greater inclusion of LGBTQ people – work that is ongoing and much needed.”



2023 Pride in Health + Wellbeing Awards Recipients

Award Recipient
Service Provider of the Year Uniting Vic.Tas
Most Improved Service Provider of the Year
JewishCare NSW

St Vincent’s Health Network, Sydney

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Innovation Swapna Chaudhary – Chemist Warehouse
LGBTQ+ Out Role Model Charles Broadfoot – Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network
LGBTQ+ Ally Rebecca Roberts – St Vincent’s Health Network, Sydney
Gold Service Providers cohealth

St Vincent’s Health Network, Sydney

Uniting Vic.Tas

Silver Service Providers Advance Diversity Services

Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies (NADA)

Bronze Service Providers Australian College of Applied Professions (ACAP- Psychology Clinic

Campbelltown Hospital – Mental Health Adolescent Inpatient Unit

Flourish Australia

UnitingCare QLD

Your Community Health

+1 not for publication

Participating Service Providers Australian Community Support Organisation

Hunter Primary Care

Illawarra and Shoalhaven Cancer and Haematology Network

JewishCare NSW

Mid North Coast Local Health District Integrated Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Services

NSW Health Pathology

Primary Care Connect

Virtus Health

Western Health

+ 8 not for publication


For more information please contact: David Alexander, ACON Media and Communications

E:   T: (02) 9206 2044   M: 0428 477 042

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